Saturday, March 7, 2020 - 10:30
Workshop: The Other* Gazes

Location & Time: Berliner Union Film Ateliers - 10:30
Tickets available online here
Event Information
It is not a surprise that film and especially film business reproduces and affirms gender discrimination
and stereotypes. The silencing of women* and queer perspectives in the history of film happened
and happens under various combinable forms: passivity, invisibility, objectification. So, what about
the counter-narratives of women*filmmakers, their stories and voices?
In this workshop we want to have a look at the innumerable empty spaces in the history of film and
film industry regarding women*’s perspectives – at work behind the camera, as directors of fiction
and documentary. We want to discuss and exchange about continuities of silencing feminist
perspectives in film and film business. In various group constellation, we discuss, analyze, compare,
put in perspective and learn from each other about blank spaces in historiography of film. From the
beginning of cinema until now, we look at various examples, their work, ideas and ideals. Which
voices were and are heard? The workshop is about deconstructing, writing anew, taking one’s place,
claiming, collective knowledge production and empowerment.
TINT Filmkollektiv:
Aline and Hanna are part of TINT Filmkollektiv , a Berlin-based, international women*s filmmaking
collective. TINT members develop, produce, direct, shoot, edit and master documentary, fictional and
experimental films. Moreover, they design and hold filmmaking workshops for kids, teens, and adults.
TINT organizes work based on solidarity and empowerment, on joint decisions and shared
responsibilities. Feminist issues and political involvement are of key importance to TINT members, as
well as creative and interdisciplinary exchange.
Aline edits films and videos, and gives workshop for adults, young people and children – always with
a heart for intercultural contexts. She also works in the fields of postproduction, communication in
moving images. She works in different countries (Europe and Africa) with a predilection for topics
around diversity, representation, new technologies, media and (post-)colonialism.
Hanna studied art, art history and documentary filmmaking and teaches educational film workshops
for teenagers and young adults. Currently, she works in a research project “Cinematic Discourses of
Deprivation: Analysing the Representation of Precarity and Exclusion in European Fiction Film and
Documentary” at Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf.