Sunday, March 8, 2020 - 21:00
Shorts: Trumpland

Location & Time: Berliner Union Film Ateliers - 21:00
Tickets available online here
Event Information
“We’re going to build the wall” he said and the crowd went wild behind him. But we are far from cheering. In a city fresh with memories of what a wall does to a society, yet right-wing populism and extremism are on the rise, the Berlin Feminist Film Week is diving into stories embedded in the context of the poster child of depoliticized and propaganda agendas, Trumpland. These short films tell the narratives of the people who live within these constructed borders, of the creation of gaps and distance, but also celebrate the power of diversity, love, and resistance.
They may build walls, but tear them down and they will crumble.
Films (81 min)
Zoe Salicrup /2019 USA / 15 min
Angela Chen / 2019 USA / 16 min
Isabel Castro / 2019 USA / 15 min
Thiago Zanato, Adriana Barbosa / 2018 Mexico / 20 min
Toni-Marie Gallardo, Rosalee Bernabe, Seo Yun Son, Joi Purvy / 2019 USA / 7 min
Francy Fabritz / 2019 Germany / 8 min