Friday, March 6, 2020 - 17:45
Shorts: Subtle Whisperers

Location & Time: Berliner Union Film Ateliers - 17:45
Tickets available online here
Event Information
Not every piece of art is loud in its statements and not all questions are to be posed right in your face. Instead they are laid out in more subtle ways – like whispers. This short film program is tackling questions of loneliness, mental and physical struggles, silent imaginations and unknown and denied desires in a beautiful pacing, from various perspectives.
Charlotte Mars / Australia / 18 min
Ève-Chems de Brouwer / France / 20 min
Chanelle Eidenbenz / Switzerland / 20 min
Amanda Aagard, Alexander Toma / Sweden / 15 min
What do you know about the water and the moon?
Layla Jian Luo / China / 16 min