5th - 9th of March 2020

Elephant In The Room

Chanelle Eidenbenz - 2018 Switzerland - 19 min

Irna senses that the relationship with her son Jago is getting more and more hopeless. She seeks refuge in her own world, whose center is Elias, a rubber doll. While Irna holds on to her own reality with all her might, Jago is desperately trying to make his mother understand.

Director: Chanelle Eidenbenz

Born in 1992 in Zurich with Dutch heritage. 2011 several Internships at film production companies in Zurich and Munich. 2012 artistic propaedeutic course and work as freelancer producing castingvideos at home and abroad. 2013 - 2018 Bachelor of Arts in Film at the Zurich University of the Arts. 2015 semester abroad in Seoul. 2017 interdisciplinary graduate program „Transcultural Collaboration“ in Hong Kong. Chanelle is a filmmaker based in Zurich. Next to her own projects she works as script supervisor and assistant director