Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 20:00
My body belongs to me

Location & Time: Villa Neukoelln - 20:00
Tickets available online here
Event Information
+ Laura Méritt (PorYes, Sexclusivitäten)
My body belongs to me is a series of shorts dealing with body politics, sexuality and beauty standards. In today’s society, women’s bodies are not just a private matter; many aspects of sexuality and beauty are determined by the discourse on how women should look and how they should behave. This program takes a closer look at different aspects of societal pressure and female sexuality.
I am the Mace / US / 2012 / Kelly Gallagher / 4 min
Pink or Blue? / CA / 2012 / Barbara Bedont / 8 min
The Womanhood / US / 2012 / Yvonne LaBarge / 11 min
Frozen friendship / SE / 2013 / Jasmine Alakari / 15 min
Centrefold / UK / 2012 / Ellie Land / 10 min
Special guest: Feminist and communication specialist Laura Méritt (Sexclusivitäten, PorYes) will talk about feminism, sexuality and alternative porn. Are feminism and porn contradictions? And what is a sex-positive feminist?