ALMALIZA is a video-photographic project which was born out of the meeting of minds between a videographer, Mademoiselle L, and a photographer, Hipstoresk.
Their favorite theme, “deformation and metamorphosis of body,” took shape in “moving images” and photos during two sessions in the studio of the photographer (day#1-Alma and day#2-Liza). Both artists didn’t consult with each other during the shooting and discovered their work after their own and respective editing.
A third person entered the scene, the musician, Scottis. He was able to put the finishing touch to these series of “scenes in motion”. Alma turns into Liza, Liza turns into Alma unknowingly, such as ML into Hipstoresk and vice versa.
He said:
Alma, horizontally.
Liza, vertically.
Two lines and two women uniting in dotted lines