A Great Ride
“A Great Ride” is a documentary about older lesbians aging with dynamism and zest for life. When they were young these women forged a social movement to come out as true to themselves. Now they are pioneers once again as they face the next daunting challenge: growing old, which can come with frailty, loneliness, and the death of dear friends. In this group portrait, these women are courageous role models for aging, which they do with determination, engagement, an independent and irreverent spirit and a heartening delight in living.
This film will be screened in our short film program Life Goes On.
Director: Deborah Craig
Deborah Craig has a background in history, photography, public health, and film. She has produced and directed over half a dozen short films about socially relevant topics such as HIV/AIDS among women, the positive influence of school/community gardens in low-income neighborhoods, and aging in the LGBT community. Deborah also teaches public health at San Francisco State University and Mills College in Oakland, both of which emphasize the way in which social inequalities contribute to health inequalities. Her films use compelling personal stories to raise awareness about the challenges and strengths of underrepresented communities. Deborah has a B.A. in history from Columbia University, did undergraduate work in photography at California College of the Arts, and has a Master of Public Health from San Francisco State University. She can be contacted at dcraig@lmi.net.